Established in October 2004, the North Carolina United Bikers Association (NCUBA) is presently composed of many motorcycle and social clubs throughout the state of North Carolina.  These clubs share the same vision and goal. NCUBA will be the missing link between the government body of the state of North Carolina and the MC/SC Community paving the way for changes and amendments throughout the country as it pertains to the laws, rules and regulations of motorcycle riders. We will unite clubs all over the state as well as provide information for the start-up of new clubs, proper protocol for existing clubs and serve as a mediator to assist in working out issues that arise between clubs or within clubs.  All of these goals will not be reached overnight; however, the combination of our voices will be much louder and easier to be heard than just a few alone.
NCUBA  Accomplished
NCUBA  Accomplished
NCUBA History
NCUBA successfully helped change the law that now allow all bikers in the State of North Carolina to legally turn left at a red light. (Certain restriction apply)
Below are just some of the many biker and motorcycle/social club issues that we will be focusing our attention towards:
NCUBA  Accomplished
NCUBA  Accomplished
NCUBA  Accomplished
NCUBA  Accomplished
• Unification of the motorcycle & social club community in an        effort to have a "solid voice & vision" within North Carolina.
• Patronize our own businesses among          our own clubs.
• Lobby the Department of Transportation to change the    settings at stoplights (i.e.: motorcycle weight).
• Establishing a voice within the Department of             Transportation.
• Establish an event calendar that will help facilitate                scheduling issues and support from local clubs.
• Provide discounts for members from various businesses (i.e.      hotels, parts store, clothing stores, restaurants etc).
• Lobby to have traffic signs identifying  dangerous curves and      pot holes.
• Lobby motorcycle manufacturers to build bikes         with louder exhaust systems.
• Lobby insurance companies to offer more         affordable rates.
NCUBA  Accomplished
Abdul NCUBA Founding President
Millennium Sport Riders-NC
Past NCUBA Presidents
J Purty NCUBA 2nd President
2 For Life MC
Tim NCUBA 3rd President
Go Get'em Ryders MC